Employment Dispute

The relationship between the employer and the employee is sometimes the most difficult given that it revolves around money and benefits. When one party is not completely satisfied with the other, we are here to represent both and make sure everything is done by the book. We protect you from unfair dismissal, discrimination, harassment and abuse.

We always promote peaceful agreement and try to get both parties to r meet on a common ground.

However, we can always take matters further if necessary, to protect the rights and benefits of our clients.

The Clients

Sometimes cases are brought by clients themselves without going thru a third party.

Complexity of cases

The case will have supplementary issues if the claimant is disabled, sick or pregnant.

Some Step

Please remember that the outcome can be different than expected from some step.

For the Hearing

You, your witnesses as well as the other party, will be notified of location and date of hearing.

How We Help

You, your witnesses as well as the other party, will be notified...



We know exactly how to resolve issues that seem hard and disappointing. Our experts are well familiar with employment laws and know how rights and duties of both employers and employees are applied.

We always advise our clients to get to know the details of their rights and responsibilities to be able to recognize the slightest violations. The knowledge of law basics and help alleviate heavy proceedings and avoid expensive and time-consuming cases.

Here is how we determine the complexity of a case :
  • Once we receive instructions from the client, we see if we have to amend claims or provide further information about an existing claim from the client.
  • Sometimes cases are brought by clients themselves without going thru a third party.
  • The application costs can also add up to the final pricing.
  • The case will have supplementary issues if the claimant is disabled, sick or pregnant.
  • In the instance of cases involving witnesses, the best procedure will have to be agreed upon.
  • Automatic unfair dismissal (the case of whistle blowing) will have wider ramifications influencing the timeline and costs.
  • Discrimination, harassment and abuse will need to be investigated and will implicate several parties.
  • Attending tribunal hearings will be additionally charged.
  • Disbursement fees: these are the costs payable to third parties. Court fees, bailiff fees and advocates fees payment are crucial for a speedy process. We prefer to do these payments on your behalf for better results.
Below are steps that will be followed through the process:
  • Once your instructions received, we’ll start studying the case to establish the best approach and determine what is best for you. We’ll put all our knowledge and experience to work so that you receive the maximum compensation provided to you by the law.
  • The next step will be to find out if it’s possible to reach a friendly settlement with the opposite party to avoid lengthy processes and waste of resources.
  • If we can’t reach a settlement, we’ll then start preparing the claim and you’ll be advised on what to do next.
  • Please remember that the outcome can be different than expected from this step on.
  • If the other party decides to fight the claim, we’ll prepare to enter a preliminary hearing and make sure the other party receives all the necessary communication documents and notices. We will also record your statement and talk to as many witnesses as possible.
  • You, your witnesses as well as the other party, will be notified of location and date of hearing.
  • We’ll then attend the hearing and get the final decision.
  • You can also choose to handle the claim yourself and only have our advice in relation to some of the stages.
  • From the above steps, you can see that the timeline of your case largely depends on the nature of your case as well as the approach. For example, your case is likely to be resolved in less than 3 months if the other agrees on a peaceful mediation than court hearing. But, of course, nothing is definitive or predictable; you’ll have a more accurate estimation as the case progresses.