Tenant Disputes

Lawrence & Associates solicitors LLP offers you the best services for landlord – tenant disputes resolution and residential possession claims. A lease agreement can present some of the most complex lines that are not only difficult to comprehend, but can be misunderstood as well.

With us, you will be safe from any law suits or claims resulting from these mistakes.

ou will be notified of all the rules involved in the steps that should be taken, especially in the case requiring property repossession.

The Approach

After receiving your instructions, we'll study the case, do our research and then advise you on the best possible approach to resolve the claim.

For The Other Party

If the other party still refuses to favourably respond to the demands of the claim, we'll prepare documents to approach the court.

Court ruling

If the court ruling does not allow for property possession after the hearing, this clearly means that the timeline of your case will be affected as well as the costs.

If Resistance

If, however, the possession order is received and the tenant refuses to vacate the premises, an appointment with the bailiff will have to be booked for a warrant.

For the eviction

Once the warrant of possession received, you'll be notified of the date of eviction...


Landlord-Tenant Dispute

  • After receiving your instructions, we’ll study the case, do our research and then advise you on the best possible approach to resolve the claim.
  • You will be notified of all the rules involved in the steps that should be taken, especially in the case requiring property repossession.
  • We enter into communication with the landlord / tenant to inform them of the situation and the steps to follow.
  • If the other party still refuses to favourably respond to the demands of the claim, we’ll prepare documents to approach the court. Please note that the court fees are considered as third-party fees and are not included in our fees.
  • The court hearing date and time will be communicated to you and the advocate’s fees will be for your account.
  • If the court ruling does not allow for property possession after the hearing, this clearly means that the timeline of your case will be affected as well as the costs. It will all depend on the reasons why the possession order is not given and if more communication will have to be entered into in order to prepare for more hearings.
  • If, however, the possession order is received and the tenant refuses to vacate the premises, an appointment with the bailiff will have to be booked for a warrant. This will imply additional fees.
  • Once the warrant of possession received, you’ll be notified of the date of eviction and the bailiff will do the necessary evaluations and risk assessments pertaining to the eviction.